Thursday, May 14, 2009

So now you know,,,

So thanks to my incredible husband's thoughtfulness and very kind words (combined with his surprising computer hacking abilities) all of my blog readers now know, that yes, it's official- I am 30. Over this last week I've gotten a lot of "So how does it feel?" "Do you feel older yet?" and to be honest, I feel a little nostalgic to be saying goodbye to a decade that has really shaped my life. So many things have happened in my 20's, so much more "life" took place in these 10 years than I had ever expected. The 4 greatest days of life all happened while I was in my 20's, along with some of the most painful and heartbreaking days. I feel like even 30 years from now, so many of my stories will begin with "Well, when I was 20something..."
Here's a very brief rundown, the highlights and lowlights of a decade in which I learned to love my Savior even more, but still not nearly enough:
20- I married the man who will forever hold my heart
21- Graduated college and got to be Mrs. Burns the teacher
22- Finally began to understand the cries of the Psalms writers, this Earth is not my home
23- My mom went to be with our Lord
24- I became a mom! Kevin and I welcome Kacia into our lives
25- We celebrate 5 years of marriage in Maui
26- Gave Kacia a sister, Rylin is born and sleep becomes a thing of the past
27- Learn that people fail me, I fail my God, but my Lord never does!
28- My dad passes away
29- My family is made complete with the birth of our son, Lincoln
See- a lot happened, and that's just the big stuff, not the day-to-day things of life. So, saying farewell to my 20's is a little bittersweet, but here's to hoping the next decade has a lot more growth with a few less "major" things. Plus, 30 is the new 20, right?!


The Earnhardt Family said...

I love reading your blogs :-) And you're right, a lot of really big things happened in your twenties, my goodness! Really drastic ups and downs... And you're also right, a bajillion things have happened on the lesser scale, but all of which hold great purpose and have consistently been molding and shaping you into the wonderful Godly woman that you are. I'm excited to see what your 30's will bring! Keep on blogging!!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Jenny, your eloquence is not lost in your translation of the last decade of your life. God is good and you are a blessed woman.