Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Little Walker

The pictures pretty much speak for themselves- I'm in trouble! This little guy is officially walking- everywhere! He started taking steps on the 8th (a b-day gift for Aunt Sabrina even though she couldn't be here to see him). For the next week he would sometimes walk back and forth to people, if he wanted to. But for the last few days, he is walking around even when no one is egging him on. He'll be standing at the coffee table, see something he wants, and off he goes on his own 2 feet! It's really cute to watch because he keeps his arms up to balance himself and sometimes, when he is halfway to his destination, he stops, claps for himself, and then continues on. The girls are absolutely loving it, they get so excited for him and are by far is greatest fans!
Oh how we love our crazy busy Lincoln!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Way to go Lincoln! You are such a busy boy. :)