Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Surprise Visitor!

So last week I got a call from my little sis. "What are you doing this weekend?" she asked. "Nothing. Kevin is going camping, so it's just me and the kids." To which I heard the response, "Then do you mind if I come see you?" So it happened that Ian, who is in the Marine Reserves, had drill all weekend and one of Kaitlin's friends was driving down to California. So Kaitlin hitched a ride and got to come home! With her crazy school schedule last year, the only time we got to see her was at Christmas, so this was a real treat! I knew she was going to arrive in the wee hours of the night, so I didn't tell the girls until they woke me up Thursday morning. Then I told them I had a surprise waiting for them on the couch. They were a little in shock! We had a great time hanging out, we cooked together, she played/helped with the kids, we had a girl night with Allie, and of course, we all got free haircuts! I'm thinking this should be a normal thing everytime Ian has drill, but then I'm not the one who would have to spend all that time in the car! But at least we have Thanksgiving to look forward to, and then we will get the complete set!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Mini Mommy

Here are a few pictures of Rylin playing mommy. She is adjusting well to Kacia's school days. We are having a lot of fun playing Hi Ho Cherry-O and Candyland just the two of us. We are also reading a lot of books, which is great since this a very recent thing that Rylin will sit down for more than 2 minutes! But I'm also discovering that she is far more capable of playing by herself than Kacia ever was! She does well playing dolls and loves playdough (gotta love dried playdough crumbs all over the floor!). I feel like lately so much of the blog has been about Kacia with school, soccer, her birthday and so on, but know that Rylin is keeping me busy and growing up just as quickly as she is approaching the big number 3!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Daddy Gives the OK!

Me and my Boy!

Lookin' a little shaggy around the back...

and the ears.

Lincoln's new clean cut!

So Kevin finally gave the okay to trim Lincoln's crazy do! I was not allowed to take any off the top, but I trimmed his neck and ears, and I feel better about my handsome son! Now if I can only figure out how to tame the crazy top, we'll be doing good. (Maybe we'll need to use the scissors when Daddy's not around!)

Kacia Turns 5!

Our cake melted so badly in the heat we just HAD to eat it first, but I didn't hear any complaints!
Our "cowgirl" theme was difficult to find things for, but we did a pony relay...

and panned for gold.

Kacia's new doll and treasured gift, "Jenny" (weird, I know.)

My big girl with her big girl Bible.

So, it's official, my daughter is 5! A week ago today I became the mother of a 5 year old! Kacia had a great day, complete with a party at school, then presents from mom and dad, dad's softball game, then ice cream with Grandpa and Bre and the cousins. She is really fun to watch open her gifts, and her favorites were her new Bible complete with a flap that closes and her name, and her new "American Doll". Ever since seeing the American Girl Doll catelog, she has wanted one of these EXPENSIVE dolls. But since the pages say for ages 8+, I told her that maybe when she was 8, if she still wanted one we would talk about it. But for now, she got Target's version, which to her, is just the same. The doll with the cutest outfit on happened to be named Jenny. I told her she could pick a different name, but Jenny has stuck. So now I get to here things like, "I need to get Jenny's pajamas on her" and "Mom, Rylin took Jenny!" I'm pretty sure it totally confuses Rylin and it sounds funny to me, but I'm sure in time I will get used to it.
We had her party on Sunday at the park. We had a great time celebrating with friends, and we greatly appreciate how they all love Kacia! So to all of you who endured the heat to help us party and celebrate one of God's greatest gifts to us- Thank You! Kacia had a great time and has not been bored once this week with all of the great new toys she got to keep her busy!

My Mind Rambling...

So a week ago today my baby girl turned 5! I have to admit this was somewhat of a difficult birthday for me. Maybe its just the timing of school, soccer and everything, that I am finding myself a little overwhelmed with how quickly time truly flies! As I was driving Rylin and Lincoln to Kacia's school so we could bring treats to her class, Rylin was on her cellphone talking nonstop, having the cutest, funniest conversations! I all of a sudden had a flashback of my life when Kacia was our only noisemaker, and the funny things she would say in her little 2 year old voice, and I I wondered when did I get here? When did I become a mother of 3? It honestly feels like just a few years ago that I wandered my college campus, my only responsibilties being work and preparing for my next test or paper. Now, my time might not seem as scheduled out, some might think my life has more freedom and flexibility, and then you add in the three people that mean more to me than breath itself. Once you realize that they are counting on me for everything- from clipping nails, eating food, learning to read, to teaching them the truths about our Lord, salvation and eternity - and then I see how busy my life is, how great my responsibility is and I find myself in shock! How and when did I get old enough to be here? And how do I adequately do the work set out before me? And then I see that this is what matters in life. It's not my degree, or the condition of my home, or any of the things that in the end will fade away. But it is them- Kacia, Rylin and Lincoln. They are my mission field now, loving them, teaching them, training them, helping them to see Christ in everything, this is why I am here today. So now, I pray! I pray for patience, discernment, wisdom, strength. And I pray that maybe, if possible, life slows down just a bit, so I can truly take it all in and enjoy it!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Holding on to Summer

It was the first week of school, we were all tired, but it was the last family night at Waterworks, which we had told the girls all summer we would go to. And I am glad we did! The girls had a lot of fun (and I think Daddy did too!) I pretty much stayed at home base with Lincoln while Kevin took turns taking the girls one on one to the things they "could do". The park's rules seem a little strange to me, Kacia couldn't go on any of the "medium" slides because you can only go solo on those, but they allow kids to go with their parents on the larger slides (the catch- you have to rent a double tube). Well Kevin decided we didn't all pay the entrance fee to just stay in the kiddy zone, so he rented a tube and tested out Kacia's adventurous side. Like always, our little girl is a daredevil when it comes to rides! She even convinced Kevin to take her on the Avalanche! Rylin, like always, enjoyed staying close to mom and walking around in the little pool, braving it to her was the frog slide (the smallest one in the whole place!). She apparently had fun though because she has been asking to go back ever since.