Friday, May 08, 2009

Just a little off...

So yesterday was Kacia's class' Mother's Day Tea. I had a wonderful time of being pampered by my daughter and entertained by their many songs. However, it also gave me the chance to talk to the TA about the chocolate milk situation, and let's just say I was a little off! It wasn't 15 times that Kacia snuck behind our backs, but rather 33!!! Apperantly chocolate milk is only offered every Tuesday and Thursday, which means that she had been getting it every chance she could for quite awhile!!!
33 times my daughter hid something from us
33 times she chose to be deceitful
33 times she purposefully did something hoping not to get caught
33 times!!!
And who says we aren't born with a nature prone to sin?!
Boy do I have my work cut out for me, good thing I'm not doing this parenting thing all on my own :)

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