Sunday, August 22, 2010

Totally Obsessed!

I never expected my 2 year old son to have such strong opinions about his clothing. But Lincoln, is completely and totally obsessed with balls! This is a love that has not needed any convincing on our behalf, but yet has completely and totally evolved out of his own free will. The free will which he loudly proclaims every morning when I go to dress him. The boy refuses to wear a shirt without a ball on it. He just points at his closet yelling "ball ball!" Therefore, I have been on the hunt for clearanced ball themed shirts, like the one above I got for $2. It's one size too small, which means after a few washes it'll be a belly shirt, but for now my guy is happy, and currently sleeping in one of his baseball shirts! :)
Whenever Rylin's soccer bag is out, he pulls out the cleats & shin guards and insists on wearing them. It is not uncommon for these to be on before 8 am (& they stay on until naptime!)
He also loves to wear Kacia's tball shirt. I think he sees it as a 'real' baseball shirt, since he also refuses to play catch with his own glove now, only Kacia's will do- because it's 'real'. My boy is silly, fun, stubborn, opinionated and determined! He seems to have a one track mind, one that is quite different from that of the two year olds we've experienced in our house before! :)

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