Thursday, September 09, 2010

Kacia Turns 7

Saturday was Kacia's 7th Birhday! It is so hard to believe that my baby is now no longer a baby, toddler, or a "little" girl. She had a super fun day! We enjoyed our morning together the 5 of us, then went to a local park for her party. We did a "Ramona" themed party, since she loves those books and LOVED the movie. We played a relay game taken from different parts of the books/movie involving bunny ears, rain boots, capes & goggles, heavy suitcases, painting cars and squeezing out an entire tube of toothpaste. The afternoon was spent with Kevin at the aquatic center while Lincoln napped, then the evening involved going to dinner for Kaitlin's birthday and of course- ice cream cake. A great day celebrating two people that I thank God for everyday and love so very much!!!
Can you sense the excitement as she opened her new DS?!!!
The new reading seat is quite popular and has produced more than it's fair share of arguments! I see 2 more bean bag chairs in our future!
Birthday girl complete with her crown and t-shirt from Auntie KK

My 2 Two Birthday Girls!!!
A bittersweet night since this was followed by having to say goodbye to Ian as he prepares to leave for Afghanistan. But what a cute family they are!!!

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