Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lincoln- My Broken Record

So Lincoln's not a big talker. Well, maybe I should rephrase that, he talks a lot, just not with a lot of words, especially compared to his sister's at this age. We often compare him to curious George, who also talks with grunts and hand motionsBut one word, he's had down since he was one is mama. The kids says it ALL day long! He just follows me around the house, "mama, mama, mama...." I answer him, but he just says it 5 more times. The other night we were running errands together, and every time, we'd get back in the car, Kevin would put him in his seat and I'd walk around the back of the car to get in my side, the whole time, he's frantically saying my name, and turning his head in all directions, to try to keep an eye on me to make sure I was getting in too. So, it came time for me to run some dvd's into the store, and as I grabbed my door handle, I asked Kevin if he was ready to hear my name 100 times when I got out. So he decided to count. I went into Safeway, put 2 dvd's in the redbox, and came back out. 69 times. 69 times my son said "mama". That just gives you a small sample as to what I hear all day long!
But lately, he's added a few more words to his limited vocabulary of mama, dada, dog, ball, and nana (his word for banana and when pronounced slightly differently- his word for please.) When prompted by the girls, "what does santa say?" He answers, "ho, ho, ho." Recently, "anma" for Grandma, and tonight- my least favorite word for my kids to learn, "no." But Lincoln, doesn't just say "no", he says, "no, no, no, no" with his finger pointed, every time.
I'm pretty sure he actually says more words than I realize, they just all sound so similar, I don't necessarily recognize the distinction. So that's what's new in Lincoln world.

1 comment:

The Finnestad Family said...

That is hilarious! Stephanie Earnhardt was just over here yesterday and we were laughing over the fact that even my 14 month old walks around the house saying "Mom? Mom. Mom! Mom?" I can even be within 8 inches of the little man and his mantra continues...Mom?

Says alot about you though - clearly your little Lincoln adores you. Guess it's time for both of us to put on our dancing shoes and waltz around to the sound of our broken records!