Tuesday, January 26, 2010


So, I doubt I am the only one who does this: You start off on a friend's blog, see the different blogs on the sidebar, click on one that you think you might know or that just has an interesting title, which takes you to another, and so on. This is where I found myself this past weekend. I stumbled onto a blog of an old friend, which led me to another, and another, and another. And as I got caught up on their lives, their kids, and where the Lord has taken them, I realized what a strange world blogging can be! First off, it's as addicting as those reality tv shows, but way better because it's people that you knew, or kinda knew. And second, it's strange because here I was in my own house, reading about the lives of people I haven't seen in years that are states away, and they have no clue! Weird, so very weird.
And this got me thinking, who has stumbled upon my blog, and what have they taken away from it?
I began our blog a few years ago, after enjoying reading a few friends' and being able to see their kids grow up even when distance separated us. I knew that family and friends far away would enjoy this as well. So I started "blogging". What I didn't realize is how much I would enjoy it. It has become a family journal, a tool I use to help us later remember what different stages in our life looked like. For instance, I want to remember that in the 1st grade, Kacia always says "Oh, tarter sauce!" when something goes wrong, and that I always smile when my Rylin says, "It will be super-duper fun!!!" (she says this about wanting to go somewhere, when she's asking me if she can help me clean/cook, when she wants to play a board-game, etc.). Life goes by fast, I want to remember as much of these "little" things as I can, like yesterday when I found cat poop in Lincoln's mouth (we don't even have a cat!).
So that is why I blog, but I started thinking "what do people see when they hop onto our blog?" And this is what I hope: I hope they see a wife and mother that realizes she is blessed by her Heavenly Father. I do LOVE being a wife and a mother to my incredible family! I hope they see a child of God that desires to grow and walk with Him more. And I hope they see reality. I don't ever try to sugar-coat my life. It is not perfect, there are days that I struggle to be kind and loving, there are days I struggle to be content, there are days that life hurts and seems confusing, but in the midst of the messiness of life, I hope they see joy! For I am joyful that I serve a God who always works for my good, and ordains every aspect of my life, and it is through Him and for Him that I find comfort, strength, encouragement and purpose.
So if you've hopped on here by accident or intentionally, enjoy the pictures of my kids (because they are stinkin cute!) and know that I am praying that through us, you too may know the wonderful joy of living life as a child of God. Happy Hopping!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Ha! I was just at Noel's blog hoping for pictures of the new baby. Then I saw that you had updated and "hopped" over. You are an encouragement in real life and the blogosphere. We are blessed to be a part of your church family!
We prayed for Kacia tonight and will continue to do so.