Thursday, December 03, 2009

Fun with My Big Girl

This is her laughing at the pictures of herself slurping her cone, and the pic of the two of us and my wrinkled cheek.
Slurp. Slurp.

It's so great to be able to reward good behavior instead of always feeling like I'm just harping on the bad.
So back when Rylin had cut her hair, Kacia found it "unfair" that Rylin was able to get her hair cut. It was easy for me to see Kacia thinking that the punishment Rylin received might be worth enduring if it meant getting her own way, and wanting to avoid a personal haircut that could turn out horribly wrong, and desiring to reward patience and obedience- I made her a deal. If she would allow Kevin time to get used to Rylin's haircut, we would cut her's too, and we would make it a fun experience. We would go just the two of us to a salon, instead of a kitchen chair, and then we would go to lunch or something special after. So the time finally came during Thanksgiving break, and one evening we ditched everyone else and had a girls night. We went and got her haircut, and right next door happened to be ColdStone. It was really fun to have one on one time with her and to just be silly!

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