Tuesday, March 03, 2009

All Boy

So this little guy is all boy! This last month can be summarized by this statement - 3 ear infections, 4 new teeth, and still going strong! Ear infections or teeth alone were always reasons that life seemed to stop with the girls, but this is not the case with Lincoln. It was occasionally obvious to me that he wasn't feeling quite like himself because he wouldn't eat as much and he would have fussy times where I just couldn't get him happy, but for the most part, he just kept pushing through with his big ol' grin. The dr. rechecked his ears today and said the infections had cleared up, so we are just praying for no immediate runny noses in his future!
Kevin and I are wondering if we picked the wrong presidential name, perhaps Hoover would have been more fitting because this kid sucks up every little and big thing he can find on the ground. He has also discovered that climbing is quite entertaining (did I mention, he was all boy?). It used to make me nervous when he would climb under our coffee tables, but after watching him, he very methodically thinks his way down, and then does it over and over again! He is also pulling himself up on everything! Yesterday Kevin moved his crib mattress down because he discovered he could stand up in his bed, and who wants to lay when you can stand? He has taken a couple of falls, (it appears that curtains aren't the most stable thing to hold onto,) but he is quite tough, it doesn't seem to faze him much, because he just does it again. He is growing up way too fast, but at least he is making it so easy to enjoy every minute!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Way too cute! I love that he is climbing through the bottoms of chairs. Very self entertaining. Sorry to hear about the ear infections.