Friday, March 20, 2009

A Little Bit of James

So for those of you who know my brother James, hearing that his first word was "yump" (aka jump), that he learned to walk at 9 or 10 months ( I can't quite remember), and taught himself to ride a two-wheeler at the ridiculous age of 2 1/2 probably doesn't surprise you. James is the type of kid (now young man, I suppose) who has always been good at every sport, really good at most. He is very stubborn and determined and absolutely loves to do anything that others might see as slightly "crazy". If you have ever seen him on a wakeboard or snowboard, you would know that James doesn't have too much fear, and loves to go bigger and higher on whatever. (This is why when he purchased a motorcycle a couple of years ago, I panicked a little!) Anyhow, all of this to say I am beginning to see a little bit of James in my 9 month old son. I found him a couple of weeks ago on his way up our slide. Sure enough he made it to the top with great ease, and has no fear of doing a faceplant off the top platform. Oh, life with a boy is so different! At least it looks like Kacia will have a sibling to go on the big roller coasters with!

1 comment:

My name is Breanna... said...

Too Cute! Yes, I think you have a little wild man on your hands.