Saturday, November 15, 2008

Post-Party Recap

So the party was a success (aside from the fact that the pacifiers weighed too much for the balloons, so Dad had to sneak in with a little snip of the scissors before she released the balloons, but hey, it was dark and she didn't have a clue!) Rylin loved all of the attention and praise that her cousins showered her with for being such a big girl. Last night went much better than I had anticipated. When we had taken Kacia'a pacifier away, it took over an 1 1/2 hours of sobbing for her to go to sleep the first night. Rylin did shed some tears, but managed to go to sleep after about an hour without too much drama and heartache. She did wake up twice (which I expected, since in the last 6 months, she has slept through the night only once), but after walking her back to her bed and a quick hug, she quietly went back to sleep both times! And to top that, Lincoln slept through the night for the first time in 3 weeks! So last night was the best sleep I have gotten all week! So thanks to those who prayed for us! I know we are not totally out of the woods, but we got over the biggest hurtle!

Now if we can only get through the first nap- she is currently still awake after being tucked in for nap over 45 minutes ago. But hey, her pacifier has been her sleeping tool for nearly 3 years now, so I know it will take some time.


The Finnestad Family said...

Congratulations!! How fun to have the whole family involved in her releasing party. Glad to hear you got some sleep last night. You give me hope :)

Kristin said...

Jenny! I don't even know where to begin! You have a beautiful family! I found you through suzy's blog, who I found through Rob on Facebook.... I have been typing your name in every once in awhile on facebook and myspace. I am so glad to have finally found you here! I really hope that all is well! I don't have a blog, it looks fun though, maybe I'll start. My email is I would love to hear from you and get back in touch.