Friday, November 14, 2008

A Boy and His Toys!

Well, it's official, Lincoln is outgrowing his bouncer and swing, so we have brought out the big boy toys! He seems to enjoy these new items quite a bit. He cruises all over in his walker, and the big hit of the week is the jumper. It took him all of about 2 seconds to realize that jumping and spinning are great fun! He can really get moving too!
So he will be 5 months in a couple of days which is really just too hard to believe! I just realized that he is old enough to start introducing foods, so he has had cereal the last two nights. He is a little unsure, but anyone who has tasted it can understand why. He is so sweet and makes such great expressions with his big eyes and huge grin! I thank God daily for his easy going demeanor and the gift of being his mommy (who he is really starting to recognize and thus prefer over others, but hey, I'm his food source, so you really can't blame him. Plus, when you are the mom, a mama's boy is really good thing!)
(*Disclaimer- Most of the time when we go out in public, I do remember to fix his hair, but when we're at home, Bed-Head rules!)

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