Friday, November 14, 2008

Bye Bye Passy

So tonight is the night. We are saying goodbye to Rylin's pacifier. It may surprise some of you that she still has one, but she has it only to sleep with it, but now, as we are approaching the number 3, it is time to say goodbye. So tonight we are having the Goldens over and daddy is bringing home some balloons and we will all say goodbye to "passy" as it flies high with the balloons.

Wish us luck. Rylin is excited now, but when she wakes up at 2 in the morning and wants it, I'm anticpating I won't be able to reason with her much. Plus, I'm going to miss her muffled little voice when she wakes up and gives me cuddles with her big, sleepy blue eyes and still looks like my little baby girl!

It could be interesting, so if you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, you can pray for Kevin and I, our sanity and patience.


Tricia said...

Oh, the look on her face! That determination makes me chuckle! Hang Strong Mama!

The Finnestad Family said...

I'm sure I will be up in the middle of the night, so I will be praying. I remember having "the ceremony" with several of my kids. Here we are years later and we all survived! It may be rough for a couple of nights, but you'll both make it. Then again, your ceremony may be just the magic touch she needs for an effortless departure.

Michelle said...

How'd it go, Jenny? I wasn't up in the middle of the night ... but still praying that you're feeling sane! :)

Robyn said...

So... we're waiting for the update!

My name is Breanna... said...

YEAH Rylin! I think I might have been more sad waving bye bye to passie than Rylin was! Your little baby girl is growing up!!!