Friday, May 30, 2008

Preparing for Baby

So, if you look at that number to the right, the baby's arrival date is getting very close!! As it does, I am reminded once more how different Kevin and I can be. Kevin is getting so anxious and is convinced the baby could come any day because I'm having a lot of contractions, but I think he has forgotten that I did the same thing with Rylin. My body says "I'm done" and the baby says "Oh just a little bit longer please". So in the meantime, I have been so motivated to get as much done as I can (and to pass the time). We finished priming the baby's room (it only took 3 coats!) and I plan on starting the paint tonight. (This will probably surprise Kevin since he brought home a movie to watch!) Typically I would not tackle a job like this so close to delivery, but if you look at the picture before, with the two shades of green, you might agree that even we left it with just the primer, it is an improvement! I also figure the sooner the paint gets done, the sooner we can put up the crib and all and I may be able to start parking in the garage. I have also been frantically attempting all of the deep cleaning projects that need done around the house and Kevin, well Kevin is having hard time wanting to work, and just wants to know when life is going to change. But as we all know, these are things that just can't be predicted, and so I remind him and our 4 year old, that the day the baby decides to come is a complete surprise to all of us!

1 comment:

My name is Breanna... said...

Now that's some progress!