Saturday, May 31, 2008

Me and My Girls

This is my firstborn, my now nearly 5 year old daughter! Her big brown eyes and bright smile bring me so much joy! Kevin and I are still amazed at how big she is (not literally, of course, afterall, she is 1/2 Hetland). She will start Kindergarten in August and is eagerly awaiting it! She loves to draw and color, and really do any sort of craft to use her creativity. She is starting to read and truly loves learning. She thrives on being the oldest, learning independence, helping me, and showing Rylin what to do, how to do it, etc. She loves being outside, especially in water. She absolutely loves shopping, especially for shoes! She loves going golfing with Kevin and her pink putter, going to the movies with Daddy or Grandpa, and going for coffee/hot chocolate with whoever will take her. She is very much a perfectionist, and thus is easily frustrated when things don't go her way. She loves her extended family and friends, and gets very excited to spend time with them. She has a very tender and compassionate nature, hates seeing people hurt and is always the first to offer comfort. This is a trait from nature (our Creator), not nurture, as this is not a characteristic people would use of me. She is very observant and inquisitive and wants to know how everything works and why. She once asked me why the water is clear in our cups, but is blue in the lake. What would your answer have been? It amazes me, and yet doesn't, how many questions she has about everything and yet has never once questioned God or Jesus' existence. How does He see everything, How can He be everywhere, yes, but never a doubt that He does exist (confirmation of what Romans 1 teaches!) She loves to sing, and I'm afraid to say, sings quite off tune like me, and loves to pray. She told me just last week during bedtime, when we were saying our "I love you's" that she loves God most of all because He made us and gives us everything.
So this is Rylin at 2 1/2. She is quite possibly one of the most adorable kids I have ever seen. She is extremely petite, still wearing 18 month old clothes, but really does this surprise anyone? She is very busy and rarely sits still. We are still waiting for her to sit through a book or a cartoon. She is very social, loves to talk on the phone to whoever I am talking to, will talk to anyone as long as I am nearby, and really enjoys singing. Her favorite song right now is the hymn, "I'll Obey and Serve You" and she loves listening to "her" CD in the car. She is a self proclaimed vegetarian, I honestly cannot get her to eat meat, and she is extremely stubborn and strong willed. Rylin loves to be silly and goofy with her random acts and makes us laugh often, but she can really be quite sneaky and a little stinker when she feels like it. She has a very animated personality and expresses herself well with her eyes, face, hands and voice. She loves ball, and she is my pick for our athlete since she already loves sunflower seeds. She absolutely loves her big sister, but make no mistake, she will not be ignored, left out or bossed around, this girl has a mind of her own. She too is very compassionate, like Kacia. Everytime I prick my finger (which is 4 times a day for a couple of months now) she says without fail, "Oh, I sorry Mom." Her favorite thing to say, thus my least favorite thing to hear all day is "hungry Mom" repeat, repeat, repeat, etc. Seriously, you would think she would weigh so much more with as often as she eats! She thinks she loves dogs, remembers everyone we know who has one, runs to them at the park, and then screams the second they get too close. But if a fence or slider door are in between her and dog, she is very intrigued by watching them. Right now she is learning to pray on her own, and these are words I treasure so much!

So this is me and my girls. In so many ways they are so alike, and in others they are as different as the color of their eyes. Life is about to change forever, but in the meantime, this is us.


My name is Breanna... said...

I love you and your girls!

I don't know what I'd do without the 3 of you!!!

Suzy said...

Yay! A picture of your belly! You look great. And of course, your girls are adorable.

Lexi and Linzi said...

I loved this post! I don't hardly get to see you guys that it was nice to see what the girls are up to these days! I can't believe that Kacia is five!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is too crazy for words! Enjoy those last few days of pregnancy and hang in there:) Praying for you and your family!