Thursday, June 02, 2011


So most of my readers know that my sweet Kacia broke her arm Christmas 09, and last year a plate & screws were put in so that the bones would grow straight. All of this happened during the only 2 month time period she did not have medical insurance. Due to this, she was denied our family coverage last year. However, we were hopeful that with the new healthcare reform, we could once again get her covered, since no child is supposed to be denied. We were just notified, that she has again been denied the same coverage that we have, but yet can receive her own plan, with significantly less coverage, and, this is the topper- for more than the rest of the family's cost combined! Who knew a broken arm could cause so much trouble? So now we have to weigh the costs. Do we just add-on to our existing hospital bills, pay for the reversal surgery, and then attempt to add her on, hoping that she can get normal coverage once the surgery is taken care of?Our do we bite the bullet, and pay a RIDICULOUS amount now so that she is "covered" each month? Ahhhhh, decisions, decisions and just one of the joys of self-employment!

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