Friday, June 03, 2011

Mixed Emotions

So over the last 2 weeks Lincoln and I have been busy getting ready to transition his speech therapy from one organization to the local school district in preparation for his 3rd birthday. Then this week we got the results of his many tests/evaluations and I have to say I am mixed about the outcome. Lincoln does not at this time qualify to get speech therapy! My boy excelled on all of the tests, and she mentioned more than once "you have one very smart boy there!" (Yes, a proud mama is bragging a bit!) I am greatly relieved that he does not fall in the 7 percentile of speech, thus qualifying him for therapy, and yet, as a mom I know that he is still in need of some added assistance. I would like him to use more sentences to express himself then just 2 or 3 words. And I would love for him to be able to sing an entire song and not be intimidated by the amount of words back to back in a song. And yet, I am beyond thankful for the progress he has made in just one year. When Lincoln turned 2, there were 3 words that people could understand "mama, dada, ball". And now, one year later, my boy has a lot to say! Granted, it doesn't flow out of him the same way it did his sisters, but I no longer worry about the fact that it will all eventually come. Lincoln desperately wants to communicate and I am so very proud of him for all the hard work he has put in. Now, in regards to the decision to continue with speech therapy privately, Kevin and I have more talking to do, and much more praying....

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