Sunday, January 02, 2011

December Happenings

December is always such a busy & fun month, and this year was no exception! Here's a few highlights from my very favorite month:

Lincoln joined in the baking fun. He had a blast trying to sneak cookie dough in his mouth and covered himself in flour.
Kacia was very funny this year about "traditions". I think because she is actually getting to the age where she is remembering things from years past, she reminded me of many things that she viewed as traditions, thus requirements. Including, the above, which is getting a holiday craft from Michael's the week of Christmas when they are all atleast 50% off.
This was the first year that I felt all 3 kids were old enough to not destroy my mom's nativity scene. I remember how this was very special to my mom since it was her dad's, and she would tell us that each year when she would slowly and thoughtfully put it out, which only makes it even more special to our family.
We also had a sleepover with the girls' cousin Alayna. These 3 ballerinas had a blast performing countless shows for me.

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