So most of you know that last August Lincoln was "diagnosed" with speech apraxia. In a quick explanation, it's a motor skill disorder that affects him in the area of the brain sending signs to all of the parts needed to spit out a word- the tongue, jaw, mouth, etc. His comprehension was through the roof, but his ability to communicate via speech was way below what was desired for his age, thus we began speech therapy twice a week. All of that to say, he is doing well and growing his vocabulary almost daily.
When Kev and I were in Mexico, we called the kids and Kacia was excited to tell me that Lincoln had said his 1st sentence. Apparently the battery to my van died in the school parking lot, so Lincoln said, "help mom." After that we began really working on building two words, bye dad, more please, etc. It still is not super natural, and there is typically a significant pause in between as he processes, but more and more, he is putting two words together on his own.
Then yesterday, he decided to spit out 3 words in a row!!! What were they you ask? Well that is the odd part to my little story, my son did not chose to say I love you, or me want juice, no, nothing normal, instead he said "baby cow die" over and over and over again! You see, by Rylin's school there is a field of cows, and recently two calves were added to their number. So Kacia didn't see the calves and asked me if they died. I assured her they had not, either we just didn't see them, or maybe they sold them. Lincoln however, chose that moment to repeat his sister! And when he is learning something new, he repeats himself incessantly, so all the drive home, he's in the back saying quite proudly "baby cow die, baby cow die," etc. Does a 2 year old understand death, no. Did we see both calves today, yes. Does that change it to Lincoln, no. I tried to get him to say "baby cow no die," but maybe 4 words is just too big of a leap for now! All I can say is this little boy has my heart!