Thursday, September 09, 2010

Family Day

So typically by mid- August I begin to hate my husband's job and hate the fact that he has to work so hard, (which also, selfishly effects how hard I have to work). I get tired of going to bed while he still works away, I get tired of the weekends full of work, the whole 8-5 Monday-Friday starts to sound really good to me. But God has continued to bring business to him, and Kevin continues to thoroughly enjoy his job, so although in moments of exhaustion I question our decision to pursue self-employment, honestly I don't think he does. All that to say, on Labor Day, Kevin took a half day and we escaped up to Burney Falls for some much needed family time. We had a good afternoon together and all I can say is that I see a longer family vacation on the horizon!!!

(It's amazing how all of the bickering that I heard all morning at home just disappears when there is new scenery!!)

When you are a Burns - no activity is complete without ice cream!

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