Friday, April 30, 2010

Times are Changing

So it hit me the other day when I started the bath water and my son ran into his room, stripped off all of his clothes and came and stood by the tub, excitedly chatting his chibberish and pointing at the running water- that my son is not so much my baby anymore. He's a little boy! He's going to be 2 in June and he is starting to do 2 year old things, like mimic everything his sisters do! He tries to join them in performing their "shows" of singing and dancing, he successfully dressed a barbie doll the other day, he attempts to play Simon Says, and pretty much shadows them a good portion of the day. Of course, he does his own stuff too. He loves our slide/fort right now and he collects all of his things- his blankie, his baseball tee, ball and bat, shoves them all in there, and then proceeds to move them from the top of the ledge to the underneath part over and over again. He still enjoys getting into cupboards and making messes, but he is also learning the art of playing.
Last Saturday it really hit me that times are truly changing as I sat in a movie theater with my husband and all 3 kids! We attempted to take Lincoln to his first movie, and he did fairly well. He loves animals, so we went and watched Disney's Oceans. For the previews and nearly an hour of the movie, he happily sat pointing at the animals on the big screen while diving both hands into the popcorn bucket. As I watched him shove both of his fists into his mouth, I was utterly amazed at the family God has blessed me with! I also silently laughed to myself when Lincoln attempted to pick up the bucket and drink the popcorn, and then chuck his napkin at the poor guy in front of us. Times are changing, burp cloths and bibs are a thing of the past and I so look forward to growing with our family! We later enjoyed a family bike ride as Kacia was able to ride 3 1/2 miles on her own while Kevin pulled the other 2 in the trailer. I get excited just thinking about how as we close this door of "babyhood" and enter a new phase, it means that our family is going to be able to enjoy doing things together- all 5 of us. ( I have to focus on the positive, otherwise, I get a little sad- but hey pretty soon I will get my babyfix from Kaitlin's little guy!)


Judy Stein said...

Wonderful news - Kaitlyn is expecting? When is the little guy due?

Jenny said...

Pretty soon actually! Their baby boy is supposed to make his arrival in June :)