Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sisters Make Great Jungle Gyms

Kacia reading to Lincoln (I'm pretty sure he started jumping on the couch as soon as I snapped this picture. He's not really into sitting still for books yet- but it's great that we're starting to have another reader in the house.)
Anytime the girls are in a somewhat climbable position- Lincoln jumps at the opportunity.
He actually does full, complete somersaults. It's quite entertaining!
Honestly, sometimes they're just crouching down to look for a toy under the coffee table or something, and Lincoln just takes it as an open invitation to jump on his personal jungle gym.
Sometimes they think it's fun, and continue to let him climb all over, other times, especially if he gets stuck on their hair, it's not so fun.

So our house has been inflicted with "the bug" for the last week and a half. So we haven't gone anywhere exciting or done anything worthy of picture taking. It's just been a lot of time spent at home. And this is what happens in our home...

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