Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kinda funny... but don't tell Kevin

So, for those of you who know my wonderful husband Kevin, you know that the poor guy is grossed out by the spit-up and snot of our own dear children. Sometimes, it's actually humorous to witness his reactions to these very normal encounters since we have 3 small children. So this morning when he came home and told me that "the grossest thing just happened to me" I was preparing myself for something quite minor. He proceeded to tell me that as he stepped out of his car into the Safeway parking lot- he stepped in, slipped on and fell in a pile of vomit! Now that is actually something that everyone would find disgusting! Then tonight when he came home for dinner, he told me that he never expected to fall in throw-up and get pooped on in the same day! I honestly couldn't help but laugh! Apparently, a bird pooped on his shoulder and managed to get some on his ear as well. And the kicker is- he didn't notice until he was in a store and rubbed the top of his ear and felt something slimy! Then he discovered the poop that was all over his shoulder. Honestly what are the chances of these two events happening to someone on the same day, and of all people Kevin!!!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Oh Kevin, I feel your pain. Not so much in the vomit catagory but I also have been pooped on by a bird not once in my life but twice and both times I was in the middle of hundreds of people. So sorry about the luck buddy!

Megan Bonnin said...

Should've stayed in bed, Kev! Zach told me at lunch and we had a great laugh at your expense!