Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Grader Kacia

It's hard to believe summer is technically over (even though it's 106 today) and school is back. What might be even harder to believe is that our Kacia is a 1st grader! She has had a great first few days. She loves her teacher and the fact that there are a handful of familiar kindergarten friends in her class has assisted in the transition. The school schedule just might be the hardest for Rylin to adjust to. On Monday, by 10 o'clock, she had asked me 4 times if it was time to go and get Kacia! She attempted to play with Lincoln some of the similar things she does with Kacia, but poor Lincoln just couldn't catch on to Boggle Jr. I know in time, she'll get used to it again, but for right now, the girl talks my ear off all day long! :)

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