Thursday, July 02, 2009

My Favorite Place

Me and my boy
Big sis helping her very independent brother

She's looking a little like a child from the 80's with the side ponytail (great for protecting the scalp from sunburn) and bright retro heart bathing suit!

Got to love the sand!
Enjoying some tide pools at Harris State Beach (and no I'm not pregnant, that's the camera case!!!)
Grandma and Grandpa Burns with my 3 and cousin Alayna
Kacia and Sawyer playing in the water

Wow, a mussel, you don't find many of those :)!

My sandman looking for more trouble

Our church family camp this year moved to the Oregon coast. I was thrilled with this decision as the beach is my absolute favorite place to be. It doesn't really matter which ocean or which part of the coastline, there is something totally breathtaking about standing before a body of water that is so enormous it just goes on as far as you can see. Then you add in the sound of the crashing waves and the salty air, and I find myself lost in a world of utter amazement at the enormous and powerful Creator I love and total heartache as I miss my mom. There is no other place that makes me think of her more. My mom loved the ocean. So many of my childhood memories take place in various cities along the Oregon coastline, some good, some not. But there is one constant in all of those family vacations, my mom's huge smile as she would stand ankle deep in the water with her pants rolled up and we would swing my younger siblings up to avoid the waves. She would laugh as we would do it over and over again. There is a very selfish side of me that would love to experience the ocean with her and my kids. So much of what I do with my kids, I do in memory and in honor of her, and we talk about Grandma Michele often, although its not quite the same...
Okay, so I didn't mean to go off on that tangent, I just meant to share pictures with you of our very fun trip to Brookings. Here is a brief taste of the difference in my kids. Kacia- drawn to the water, would run and play in the waves for hours. Also enjoyed the tide pools, holding the various animals. Rylin- scared by a wave the first day, refused to go in the water (by that I mean toes) again until day 3. She would play in the sand for hours, her bathing suit still has sand ingrained into the material that refuses to come out. I think she managed to touch with a starfish with one finger. Lincoln- busy one year old, ate handfuls of sand, driftwood, rocks, etc. When I tried to remove him from eating the sand, by playing in the water, he was quickly distracted, and continued to try to go into the water, further and further. Didn't want to be held, wanted to be down exploring, mostly with his mouth. He was also a big fan of all of the dogs and birds that are found at the beach.
All in all, we had a great time as a family and with our church friends. Sorry this post got so long!

1 comment:

Judy Stein said...

Jenny, it is so neat that you spoke of your Mom in your blog today....I had looked at the first pic of you and the baby and said to myself "does she ever look like Michelle".....and then I read your words. Felt like she was right there. Good thoughts.