Monday, January 26, 2009

Weak & Weary

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

Yesterday I was painting (there is a lot of painting to do in this house!). Rylin and Lincoln were napping, Kacia was having quiet time and Kevin was working. The tv was off and I found myself alone with my thoughts for the first time in a long time, and I realized that I am weary and my burdens feel so great right now. And as my mind continued to process, this passage of Scripture kept coming back- God promises to give me rest! Yes, I am slightly sleep deprived, but I have been for years and God has given me the grace to keep going, but what I've been feeling lately is not just fatigue from lack of sleep, but rather exhaustion from trying to carry my burdens, and those of others on my own shoulders. Why do I think I can do it all on my own? Why do I not surrender to the One who holds all things in His hands? Why do I need to keep learning the same lessons? So I wanted to encourage and challenge any of my readers who like me are weary, get on your knees and in the Word, it is the only cure-all!
This song was on today and encouraged me... (The girls think its funny and this song always prompts great conversation "Why it say Dance for Jesus, Mom? Fly to Jesus- that's funny, huh!)
Weak and wounded sinner, Lost and left to die,
O, raise your head for Love is passing by
Come to Jesus,Come to Jesus,Come to Jesus and live
Now your burden's lifted,And carried far away,
And precious blood has washed away the stain... so
Sing to Jesus ,Sing to Jesus ,Sing to Jesus and live
And like a newborn baby,Don't be afraid to crawl,
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall... so
Fall on Jesus,Fall on Jesus, Fall on Jesus and live
Sometimes the way is lonely,And steep and filled with pain,
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain... then
Cry to Jesus,Cry to Jesus,Cry to Jesus and live
O, and when the love spills over,And music fills the night,
And when you can't contain you joy inside... then
Dance for Jesus,Dance for Jesus,Dance for Jesus and live
And with your final heartbeat,Kiss the world goodbye,
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side... and
Fly to Jesus,Fly to Jesus,Fly to Jesus and live
Fly to Jesus,Fly to Jesus,Fly to Jesus and live


My name is Breanna... said...

thanks for sharing your heart. Good thoughts! That's one of my favorite songs! Love you. Bre

Suzy said...

So weird. That same song came on yesterday as we were driving to church and the were asking- How do we fly to Jesus mom? I had tears in my eyes as the song reminded of the burdens I was carrying myself.
Thanks for the reminder that I don't have to!

Love you!

Megan Bonnin said...

maybe someday we can go get coffee and catch up! I love ya!

Geoff said...

Yuo know, I found this site by 'chance' as if anything in our lives is by chance. I was looking for some Burns links to help with my family tree...and here you are. If rest is what you needed then God would have given it to you. Instead you spread Word of God. Thank You.