Friday, January 02, 2009

If I Had Written a Christmas Letter for 2008...

As I look back on 2008, two things stick out above all else- our Lord's incredible guiding and providing Hands! This past year has brought about a couple of major changes for our family. Obviously the most signigicant was the wonderful addition of our healthy and happy son Lincoln! I feel like I spent the first 6 months of '08 anxiously awaiting his arrival, and the 2nd 6 months, well, I feel like they were on fast forward! Seriously, I cannot believe he is 6 months old! Where did Fall go?
The second change would be our home address. Kevin and I are still thanking the Lord for providing this home for us and for the awesome way it has allowed Kevin to be around more! Our family time has more than doubled! Kevin and I really felt like we were moving blindly there for a little while, but God had a plan and allowed things to fall right into place in His perfect timing!
A couple of other noteworthy things...
Kevin continues to sell Real Estate in a very difficult and evolving market. God has provided some great opportunities through different people and circumstances which has allowed for Kevin's business to once again grow. We are still learning how to handle months with no paychecks and months with too many, but we are learning, and progress, even when it is small, is a good thing! We feel truly blessed that God continues to provide assurance that Kevin is in the right place for now, and that I am still able to stay home and attempt to manage our "sometimes chaotic" fort.
The girls have adjusted wonderfully to their baby brother! They are so patient and kind with him- and me. Kacia started kindergarten in the fall, and absolutely loves it! She is sometimes a little too smart for her own good and thinks she is older than she is, but she is also one of the sweetest and compassionate individuals I know! She is growing in her knowledge of Jesus and her questions often challenge me. Yes, she has that "childlike faith" but also possesses a need to understand issues like death, heaven, hell, eternity, etc. Rylin is our little turkey! She is so independent in some ways and still so dependent in others. She is my little helper around the house and keeps me constantly on my toes with the over abundance of energy she has. She is full of random words of affection, and showers us with hugs and kisses. And eventhough we thought Kacia was stubborn until we had Rylin, she has this ability to just melt all of our frustration and anger away in a split second with those big blue eyes! And as for Lincoln, my sweet little mama's boy is all I ever wanted in a son! Kevin and I are still sometimes in shock that we actually have a boy and need to buy blue things, although it is starting to settle in!
We thank our King and Savior for giving us 9 wonderful years of marriage together! For blessing us with our children, and for giving us the strength to raise them in a love and fear for Him! As I look back and reflect on this past year and look ahead to 2009, we pray that we will continue to rest in God's provision, and that whatever this year holds we will glorify our God in all things! Here's to the blessing of another year! Happy New Year!

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