Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Little Puppy Dog

So Lincoln is quite the lady's man. He loves going for the girls' dolls whenever they leave them around. The day before I found him with this little girl, I caught him making out with Tinkerbell. He is crawling around quite well and quite quickly these days. He is starting to pull books down, and he chews on whatever he can find. Just the other day I was picking up one of the girls' games they had left out and the box was all chewed up in one spot. I feel like we have a puppy around the house right now. Shoes can never be left out of the basket because those get chewed on, and if you are sitting on the couch and your feet are visible, watch out, because as soon as he locks his eyes on them, they will soon be covered in baby drool! Oh life with a mobile baby! (I find it quite odd that all of my kids have crawled before they learn to sit, but it also seems to be the way they live- always moving, never still!)


Ian and Kaitlin Watkins said...

He is the cutest baby ever!!!! Such a little boy face, I love it!!! He looks just like Kevo :)

Suzy said...

I should just copy and paste this on my blog! Except instead of dolls, we have Transformers and Superheroes. I keep telling the boys they better pick their toys up or Landon will eat them.

It was great to talk to you the other day!