Friday, December 26, 2008

What Lincoln Got for Christmas...

(**Note the new, much needed haircut on my handsome boy!)

So what do you a buy a 6 month old for Christmas when you already buy him whatever he needs or whatever is too cute to live without? Nothing. That has always been our philosophy. But I suppose Lincoln decided that he was going to give himself a gift- freedom! That's right- Lincoln is crawling. This has opened up a great big new world for him, and has forced me to be re-introduced to the vacuum cleaner!
I do think, however, if Lincoln were able to talk, he would say that all he wanted for Christmas were his two front teeth! His mouth is definitely working on something, his bottom 2 broke through a couple of weeks ago, but it is apparent more are coming!
Oh, in the world of infants, life changes so quickly!

Sometimes he takes a break from crawling and attempts a somersault. Kevin and I keep reminding him that he will be a ballplayer, not a gymnast, but for now, he is just too cute!

Oh, look at that drool!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Jenny, that boy is way too cute!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Crawling at 6 months?!? WOW! I tell ya, our kids take FOREVER to do anything mobile!!! Jenna is going right along the same schedule as our others did, she hates tummy time just like they did, so even at 8 1/2 months, crawling looks to be far away! 8-)

Lincoln is SO cute!!! His hair is awesome :-) And those eyes!!! He is so cute :-)