Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tag- I'm It!

So the other day I was reading Megan's blog, enjoying reading her 6 fascinating things, and then I hit the end of the post and realized my name was included with a few other of our friends (who have not yet responded by the way), and thus I have been tagged. Coming up with 6 facts about myself is not as easy as it may sound, so I warn you that the facts to follow are by no means all that intriguing or fascinationg, but they are me!

1. Someday I would like to write a book- God has placed a lot of "challenges" in my life, and at some point I desire to be able to write a book that will glorify Him and allow others comfort and encouragement in the midst of trials and heartache.

2. I hate mustard- I don't even know if it is the taste really, or just the look and the smell, but I detest mustard! A knife that has not been rinsed, but rather just placed in the sink with the mustard still on it is enough to totally gross me out. Weird, I know.

3. My current goal is to be less lazy- I know I have plenty of excuses right now to not have a perfectly clean house or to spend adequate time in my bible study, but that is really what they are- excuses. Yes life is busy and even a little hectic at times, but I can afford to spend less time on the computer and in front of the TV and more time to be more productive around the house and more time to play with my kids. We have a neighbor in her 50's (Kacia calls her our "busy,busy bee neighbor") who works full time, but every weekend she is tackling a new project- yard work, re-roofing her shed, painting her trim, etc. That's what I want, a need for less "downtime" so that I can serve my family and others. I don't want idle hands, but it's so easy to always say "maybe tomorrow"!

4. I love December- The holidays are my absolute favorite time of the year! I love the music, the baking, the shopping! I love how all of the stores are decorated, and the pretty, red festive Starbucks cups. I love the Christmas lights, the parties, the wrapping! There is just something different about December, and even as an adult, I find it all just a little bit magical! And it's almost here- but don't blink because you'll miss it!

5. I could live on ice cream alone. I could eat ice cream everyday for all 3 meals and never tire of it. I might be 3x the size I am now, but I'm quite certain I would love it just as much as I do now. Oh, and perhaps saying ice cream alone is a little misleading since I would also need a small amount of milk poured on top.

6. Of all of my responsibilities around our house, I hate grocery shopping the most! I don't like trying to come up with a list, looking for a parking spot, always picking the cart that only wants to turn left, loading up my cart, standing in the ridiculously long lines so that I can unload my cart only to reload it all back in to bags that undoubtedly will rip, then unloading all of the bags into my car, listening to them tip over and spill out as I drive, unloading my car, and then cleaning out the fridge to make room for the final unloading. It all seems a bit redundant to me, but I suppose it is necessary, and it makes my family happy, but I still wait until we are out of everything before I do it all again.
There you have it, now it's my turn, so I tag Suzy, Robyn and my newest blogger, Kaitlin!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Wow, I had never really looked at grocery shopping quite like that. But now that you say it, I can see how very menotenous (spelling?) it really is!

Megan Bonnin said...

Yeah, you did it! I'm pretty sure shopping at Winco makes it worse! But shopping there makes ice cream more affordable!