Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Four Months!

Time is flying by and Lincoln is now 4 months old! He weighs in the mid 13lbs. and is a true joy to our family! His hair continues to get lighter and crazier. I guess we're so used to it just being part of him, we don't even notice it, until we go anywhere. Then I hear, "Oh look at that baby's hair!" "Did you see that baby, he had so much hair!" "I love the hair!" "Look at the hair on that kid!" And even, "When are going to cut that hair?!" When I look at him, I'm just looking at his face, making eye contact as I interact with him, not even noticing the enormous crazy poofball on top of his cute little head, but the poofball is there and growing. Kevin is still against cutting the top for whatever reason, I'm not sure. Crazy hair and all, he is truly a very good baby. Yes, there are those moments when he's crying and I don't know why or what to do to make him stop. But unlike one of his sisters, these are just moments, and do not dominate our days. For the most part he is a very content, happy boy who gives the biggest smiles! He is a good sleeper, still loves his bouncy seat, loves his sisters, has discovered his toes and thumb, rolls over all the time, drools constantly, and likes the sound of his own voice. How truly blessed we are!


Suzy said...

I can't believe Lincoln and Landon are 4 months.
You are a beautiful family! I miss you!


The Earnhardt Family said...

I love his hair. It's awesome. Once we cut Jordan's long curly locks, that was it. It has always been short since he was 1. He is adorable, it gives him personality in the pictures to go along with those beautiful big eyes. And I'm so glad you and Breanna get to raise your families and live so close. What a blessing.