Friday, September 26, 2008

Our Surprise Visitor!

So last week I got a call from my little sis. "What are you doing this weekend?" she asked. "Nothing. Kevin is going camping, so it's just me and the kids." To which I heard the response, "Then do you mind if I come see you?" So it happened that Ian, who is in the Marine Reserves, had drill all weekend and one of Kaitlin's friends was driving down to California. So Kaitlin hitched a ride and got to come home! With her crazy school schedule last year, the only time we got to see her was at Christmas, so this was a real treat! I knew she was going to arrive in the wee hours of the night, so I didn't tell the girls until they woke me up Thursday morning. Then I told them I had a surprise waiting for them on the couch. They were a little in shock! We had a great time hanging out, we cooked together, she played/helped with the kids, we had a girl night with Allie, and of course, we all got free haircuts! I'm thinking this should be a normal thing everytime Ian has drill, but then I'm not the one who would have to spend all that time in the car! But at least we have Thanksgiving to look forward to, and then we will get the complete set!

1 comment:

Judy Stein said...

What a sweet family, Jenny. And, how are the newlyweds?