Friday, February 29, 2008

Keeping a 2 year old busy

So I know that I have said before that I love age 2, and I do, but it is not without it's challenges! It is so much fun to be able to really communicate with this little person who is so curious about everything. And everyone talks about the "terrible twos" but with our experience at least, age 3 is much more difficult as the "sinner" side emerges more- defiant, self-willed, and the list goes on. But I must say, that Rylin is so busy! By this age, Kacia would sit and watch a cartoon, or even part of a movie, but Rylin does not stop, from the minute she wakes up "All done night night Mom!" repeat, repeat, repeat... until the moment she goes to bed. So with the weather rainy last week, here are a few things we did to "try" to keep her entertained! I got out a bowl of beans for her to play with (they are cleaner than rice), and we did alot of play dough. But you have to understand, that I never had Kacia mix the play dough colors, I don't really know why, but now my perfectionist of a 4 year old does not allow Rylin to mix either, so instead, I just have to get her out a new color every 90 seconds! "All done dis one! Diffent one please!" She is my shadow all day, insisting that she "see" whatever I am doing in the kitchen. If I don't put up on the counter, she goes and scoots her small Cinderella folding chair over to stand on. She has to push every button I use, whether it is on the microwave or DVD remote, or simply the handle to flush to the toilet. She is almost ready to start potty training, and asks, "potty chair" often, but we are going to wait for this one until we move into our more permenant house. I'm shooting for April. She asks "why" constantly, at which I just respond, "you say ok mommy." But yesterday, she said, "no okay, WHY!" very, very loudly, and will also ask, "why no why?" She also told me, very genuinely as she was holding her tummy, "I sick, baby in tummy." I think she is also convinced that she can see the baby if she peers deep enough into my belly button. See why I love age 2, they are so much fun, and she makes me laugh constantly as she tries to do everything that Kacia does, but at the same time, she wears me out!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Thanks for the bean idea! I need something to keep my boy busy tonight and was looking around for tips!