Saturday, April 02, 2011


Rylin had her 1st soccer game of the spring season today, and something struck me as we were pulling out of the parking lot. I watched as a mom set up her stroller, packed in the diaper bag and put the baby into the stroller- and suddenly I had flashbacks of Kacia's 1st (and only) soccer season. Lincoln was 3 months old, Rylin was the age Lincoln is now, close to 3, and Kacia was 5. This morning I got myself and all 3 kids to the soccer park by 8:15 (Kevin was able to go to Oakland for opening day) and as I watched this lady struggle to gather all of her stuff, I was so thankful for the season of life I am in for this season of soccer. No diaper bag, no strollers. Kacia held Lincoln's hand as we walked, Rylin carried her own gear, and I just had to manage a chair & snacks. Wow! What a difference a few seasons make! I loved Kacia's soccer season and wouldn't change anything about the hectic craziness of making sure the baby was neither too hot or too cold and was fed before we left, and the 2 1/2 year old had enough snacks to stay entertained and somewhat contained, but there was something very peaceful and easy about our morning today. And I got to actually watch my little Pixie and her teammates play a super fun game! I didn't remember to bring the camera today, but here's ones from the Fall 2008 season...

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