Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In Lincoln's World

Lincoln enjoying his first sandwich with Nutella.
I think it must be so weird to take a bite and not know what to anticipate- sweet, salty, hot, cold. And every time Lincoln tries something new, he is stepping out and trusting me. This time he was delightfully surprised to find out that rather than a typical peanut butter sandwich, he got something a little sweeter.
And the sweet tooth is here to stay, after all he is a mix of Hetland/Burns. This was his first beater, and he loved it! For the rest of the day, along with the next, every time I opened the fridge and he saw the bowl of cookie dough, he smacked his lips together accompanied with his outstretched arm and grunts that symbolize- "I want that!"
I have a couple "beater pictures" of myself as a kid too. A bad habit to start so young :).
And this is what happens when you have 2 sisters and a house full of girl toys...
Sometimes he puts his ball in the stroller to push around which is a little more manly, but I'm sure this is just the beginning of many pictures that I will be able to use later for bribery.
As you can see, Lincoln just keeps growing and growing. He is a busy little monkey and keeps us quite entertained. His vocabulary is not growing as quickly as the girls' but I know in time the grunts will be traded in for words. Sometimes he comes storming into a room, rambles off a bunch of chatter, then just runs out. And despite the vocab, he comprehends a ton! I can hand him something and tell him to put it in his room and he does. When anyone mentions the words "going bye-bye" he runs and grabs his shoes from the basket and so on. He has also been busy getting more teeth lately. He had 8, than 4 more broke through the gums and 2 more will be popping through any day. There you have it, that's what has been happening lately in Lincoln's world.

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