Being a mom seems to be an ever-learning experience. Yes, there are things you know about motherhood before you actually experience it, but then there are those daily lessons that you just learn as you go. Here are just a few of the things my girls have taught me...
1. The "Sweet Tooth" must be one of the first teeth we ever get. Rylin has been slow in acquiring teeth. Just this last week she cut her first 2 molars, bringing the count of her pearly whites to 10. But one of her favorite things to do is bring me to the pantry and say, "cookie, more, more" (repeat, repeat, repeat....)
2. Bathroom activities are a family event. This I have known since Kacia came along. I am never alone when I am in the bathroom. Even when I was experiencing "morning sickness" with my pregnancy with Rylin, Kacia was leaning over my shoulder to see just what was happening. But now, what goes around comes around! This week Kacia started reprimanding Rylin, saying, "No, Rylin, you can't see my poop! Mom, don't let her see it!" (For those of you who personally experienced Kacia's curiousity when she was potty training, will enjoy this more than others.)
3. More is always better. Rylin hoards whatever she can get her little fingers on. One of the pictures posted is her sitting on the patio stuffing M&M's that had fallen out of the found Easter eggs as quickly as she could. When ever I offer her something from my palm, she instantly tries to grab all of it, not trusting me that I will continue to replenish what she eats, as she eats it. Must have all of it now, and must stuff all of it in as quickly as possible!
4. What I say will always be repeated. I have learned the hard way that what I "discuss" with Kacia in the heat of discipline, will always come back to bite me! The tongue is so evil! Comments such as, "No, I am the boss!" "You're driving me nuts!" and "You are not making any sense" came first from my lips, and later to my ears. What a lesson!
5. Sisters are an incredible blessing! Even now at their young ages, my girls love each other. When Kacia is gone, Rylin will constantly visit all of the rooms in our house numerous times shouting, "Kay-sa, Kay-sa!" And the first thing Kacia asks when I pick her up from school everytime is "Did Rylin miss me?" They are starting to play so well together, Kacia reads to Rylin, they wrestle on the floor, and Rylin will come and sit on Kacia's lap to watch TV. Even now, it is so easy to see that having a sister is truly something special! (And no, of course they never fight! Ha, ha.)
6. We are born sinners. This is something that is easy to see very early on. Being selfish, stubborn, defiant, disobedient, these are things that do not need to be taught, they are natural. But there is something about the way a child trusts, loves, shows acceptance & affection that are refreshing and even convicting! Thank goodness its not all bad! :)
7. Time flies! There are days when I honestly feel like I look at the clock constantly, counting the hours to bedtime, and those are the days I remind myself that all too soon my girls will grow up. Rylin is so much fun right now, learning words daily, and so busy exploring her independence, but when I have read the same animal book, and made the same animal sounds for the gazillionth time, sometimes I need to remember that soon enough, she won't need me to read, and elephants, cows and horses won't be so exciting. I want so much to cherish this time when I am so needed, and my time with them is so special! All I have to do is look at Kacia to get a quick kick in the pants as to how fast it all goes! She is such a little lady now. She has a huge vocabulary, crazy imagination, and melts my hard with her precious words of endearment and perceptiveness to my needs. She always knows when I have a headache, and always says in a very sympathetic tone, "Oh mommy, I'm so sorry your head hurts. You should make some coffee!"
Being a mom is challenging, but an incredible gift from God. I pray for His strength and patience to fill me and for His wisdom to help guide me in shaping their hearts. May I always remember that I am His steward, and that these adorable little girls are first of all- His!
1. The "Sweet Tooth" must be one of the first teeth we ever get. Rylin has been slow in acquiring teeth. Just this last week she cut her first 2 molars, bringing the count of her pearly whites to 10. But one of her favorite things to do is bring me to the pantry and say, "cookie, more, more" (repeat, repeat, repeat....)
2. Bathroom activities are a family event. This I have known since Kacia came along. I am never alone when I am in the bathroom. Even when I was experiencing "morning sickness" with my pregnancy with Rylin, Kacia was leaning over my shoulder to see just what was happening. But now, what goes around comes around! This week Kacia started reprimanding Rylin, saying, "No, Rylin, you can't see my poop! Mom, don't let her see it!" (For those of you who personally experienced Kacia's curiousity when she was potty training, will enjoy this more than others.)
3. More is always better. Rylin hoards whatever she can get her little fingers on. One of the pictures posted is her sitting on the patio stuffing M&M's that had fallen out of the found Easter eggs as quickly as she could. When ever I offer her something from my palm, she instantly tries to grab all of it, not trusting me that I will continue to replenish what she eats, as she eats it. Must have all of it now, and must stuff all of it in as quickly as possible!
4. What I say will always be repeated. I have learned the hard way that what I "discuss" with Kacia in the heat of discipline, will always come back to bite me! The tongue is so evil! Comments such as, "No, I am the boss!" "You're driving me nuts!" and "You are not making any sense" came first from my lips, and later to my ears. What a lesson!
5. Sisters are an incredible blessing! Even now at their young ages, my girls love each other. When Kacia is gone, Rylin will constantly visit all of the rooms in our house numerous times shouting, "Kay-sa, Kay-sa!" And the first thing Kacia asks when I pick her up from school everytime is "Did Rylin miss me?" They are starting to play so well together, Kacia reads to Rylin, they wrestle on the floor, and Rylin will come and sit on Kacia's lap to watch TV. Even now, it is so easy to see that having a sister is truly something special! (And no, of course they never fight! Ha, ha.)
6. We are born sinners. This is something that is easy to see very early on. Being selfish, stubborn, defiant, disobedient, these are things that do not need to be taught, they are natural. But there is something about the way a child trusts, loves, shows acceptance & affection that are refreshing and even convicting! Thank goodness its not all bad! :)
7. Time flies! There are days when I honestly feel like I look at the clock constantly, counting the hours to bedtime, and those are the days I remind myself that all too soon my girls will grow up. Rylin is so much fun right now, learning words daily, and so busy exploring her independence, but when I have read the same animal book, and made the same animal sounds for the gazillionth time, sometimes I need to remember that soon enough, she won't need me to read, and elephants, cows and horses won't be so exciting. I want so much to cherish this time when I am so needed, and my time with them is so special! All I have to do is look at Kacia to get a quick kick in the pants as to how fast it all goes! She is such a little lady now. She has a huge vocabulary, crazy imagination, and melts my hard with her precious words of endearment and perceptiveness to my needs. She always knows when I have a headache, and always says in a very sympathetic tone, "Oh mommy, I'm so sorry your head hurts. You should make some coffee!"
Being a mom is challenging, but an incredible gift from God. I pray for His strength and patience to fill me and for His wisdom to help guide me in shaping their hearts. May I always remember that I am His steward, and that these adorable little girls are first of all- His!
My goodness, your girls are absolutely beautiful! Isn't motherhood so much fun?
SURPRISE! I finally found your blog address again and spent an enjoyable morning catching up on your news and pictures of my beautiful girls. You are such a great blogger, Jenny!
I was so excited to talk to you all on Sunday, especially the girls. There is nothing sweeter to this grandmother's ears than the voices of my precious little ones! Later on, as I was playing my conversation with Kacia over in my mind I got to thinking about her statement "it's so fun in Florida, Grandma". The reality for us is that that is only the case when our family is here too! There is so much truth in "HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS" and ours are definitely in Redding! I miss you all and can't wait to spend time with my little girls, will Tuesdays and Thursdays work for you?!!!
Counting the days!
Rylin sure looks nice and health!
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