Friday, March 23, 2007

My Baby Keeps Growing!

So lately it has hit me that Rylin is no longer a baby, but rather a very active and busy toddler! Her vocabulary keeps growing daily and the extent to which she can communicate to us is truly incredible! Her favorite thing right now is to come and grab my finger, bring me to the fridge and bang on it, "num, num...peas" (yum, yums please). Hungry? No, this girl could just eat all day! With her strong head nods and shakes, it is quite easy to understand quickly what she is wanting. Despite the fact that she still does not sleep through the night (that's right folks, she is 16 months old and still wakes up atleast twice), her big blue eyes just melt me everytime! She loves Kacia, and tries her best to keep up with her. She is much more a "Daddy's Girl" then Kacia was at this age. She gives great hugs, and never stops going! Her favorite song is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. A few months back she began clapping in the car everytime we would play the song, but now it is full on dancing, arms flying, legs kicking, head banging, face grinning! It has actually been a great instrument for us, everytime she starts to nod off when we are just minutes from home, I turn the song on and 9 times out of 10, she perks right up. She loves dogs, although more from a distance. Anyone's house we go to often that has a dog, as soon as we pull into their driveway, she starts "Dog, dog, ruff, ruff!" She is also enjoying all of the Easter decor in the stores since she learned that ducks say "Quack, quack!" It is so much fun to watch her personality developing so rapidly! Whoever said second kids were quiet, surely didn't know mine! From day one, she has been adament to hold her own and get equal "talk time." She loudly and firmly tells Kacia "NO!" It appears that God has blessed me with 2 very stubborn girls (possibly pay back, not sure!). They have strong opinions and voice them loudly. But at the same time, have very gentle and kind spirits. Their smiles tug at me everytime, and they are growing way too fast!

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