Monday, December 06, 2010

Rylin Turns 5

It's hard to believe our little girl is 5! We discovered that one benefit to a b-day so close to Thanksgiving is that she will most likely never have school on her special day. We had a large, loud, crazy and super fun Hello Kitty party at our house. She invited all her friends and siblings for the afternoon. She had an absolute blast.

That evening Grandma & Grandpa along with the Goldens came over for Birthday dinner. And since it was Rylin's day- we had strawberry french toast for dinner! :) She wore her new pj's and a special hair do that Kacia created from one of her gifts.

Rylin has embraced being 5! She asked me on her birthday when we get to go see the teacher so she can start Kindergarten :) Rylin at age 5 has a joy about her that is indescribable! She lights up a room with her bright blue eyes, is full of enthusiasm & excitement, loves people, loves to share, loves to stand her own ground, is the world's best cuddler, is exploring independence in avenues that she wants to, always has something to say ( & say, & say...), still dislikes food and sleep. We feel privileged and blessed beyond words to be her parents, and continue to seek the Lord for guidance & wisdom as we attempt to raise her up in the love of our Savior.

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