Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I currently have a craving for my mom's fried chicken and country gravy. I have never been able to reproduce her creamy, yummy, really-bad-for-you, chicken gravy, but right now I would love some on a big pile of mashed potatoes!
I don't know if this ever happens to you, but every once in awhile I get a weird, out of the blue, craving for something I ate in my childhood. My mom was a good cook. She was very good at making those rich, heavy, home-cookin, kind of meals. So today as I am cooking dinner, despite my craving, I will bake my chicken with a panko crust rather than fry it in crisco with a saltine crust, and I will make gravy from chicken broth, because this is what I know how to do. But, I did look up on FoodNetwork how Paula Dean makes country gravy, because I'm sure if my mom had ever seen her show, she would probably be annoyed by how loud she is, but she would agree with her that more butter is always better. But after looking at the recipe, I think I will stick to the gravy I know how to do. I just can't embrace that much crisco (not to mention the fact that I don't even have any!)- but be assured that in my head, I will be dreaming of those "crispies" on her fried chicken and that oh so yummy gravy!

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