Friday, July 18, 2008

One Month of Sleep Deprivation and Complete Joy!

Well, it is hard to believe that Lincoln is already a month old! Sorry for the lack of picture updates, Kevin has had the camera with him most days for work lately, and well, I've been just a little busy adjusting. So far (knock on wood) Lincoln seems to be a fairly content baby. We all know it is about time I had an "easy" one. He loves his sisters, his swing and his food. He is sleeping better than the girls, which is really the only scale I go by. His cheeks are filling out quite a bit, but then again, this is a very common thing with my family! He still has all of his hair, so maybe, just maybe, it will stick around! The girls are still very much in love with him. Our routine is the same every morning. He wakes up, eats, gets changed and then they argue over who's turn it is to hold him first. Rylin loves to get really close to his face, pet him and say in a high pitched voice, "Hey buddy, yook at me bud, Yincoln, hey buddy." It has been a lot of fun to watch her adjust to the big sister role, and I think she is doing quite well. She hates it when he cries, and comes running to me, "Mom, mom, Yincoln need you! Yincoln crying, he want you!!!!" She has also renamed one of her dolls, Lincoln, and feeds him, burps him, rocks him while singing "rock a bye baby", puts him in the swing and puts him down for naps. It's quite cute to watch!We have been slightly more homebound than normal, but that is to be expected, plus it's just stinkin hot outside. Kevin has been really good about trying to take the girls swimming often, even if its for 45 minutes, it gives me a break, and they have a blast! I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this house! It has been an incredible blessing to be back in town, and the office in the backyard has been truly awesome for Kevin's work. He is actually able to do a good majority of his work without leaving the house. Just having him come in throughout the day for lunch or whatever, breaks up our day. I thank the Lord for providing this house and know that it has made a tremendous difference in our family time and in adjusting with the baby.


Megan Bonnin said...

It still trips me out to see a boy in the mix! He is a cutie, guys!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Hi Jenny. Congratulations on your new miracle. He is cute. The girls are beautiful. It's a long story but I came across Breanna's blog through a friend and she had your link and a note about a new baby so I thought I'd jump over and say Congrats. I pray God continues to bless you and Kevin and your beautiful family. Congrats on the house too.

Stephanie Earnhardt