Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quick Catch-up

Well, once school began last January, my "free time" quickly disappeared. I had hoped to catch up on the blog over summer, but as it's quickly coming to an end, it's obvious that didn't happen. Summer has been fun, semi-busy & I'm going to attempt to do a quick re-cap.
In June, Lincoln turned 4. He had a Spiderman party at the gymnastics place & totally loved his day!

Kacia was on a swim team for the 1st time. She learned a ton, burned insane amounts of calories, and thoroughly enjoyed it! 

 My brother Tim came for a visit, which was a blast! My kids LOVE company- especially company that allows them to wake them up by jumping on the bed and building a zoo with stuffed animals in our living room complete with a map for visitors.

We once again battled the heat by going to the aquatic center a few times a week. It's a great way to break up our day and proves to have something for everyone.

 We surprised Kacia with an early birthday gift and I took her to the American Idol concert. We went and spent the entire day in the "big city" and had fun just the 2 of us.

We also enjoyed camping quite a few times this summer. The little tent trailer we got at the end of summer last year has proven to be a great investment! 

Both girls played baseball through the Jr. Giants program. Going 4 times a week and sitting on metal bleachers in our heat may not have been the greatest idea I've ever had, but they had fun- especially since they got to play with their cousins.

Well, summer is quickly wrapping up... Lincoln has his 1st day of preschool tomorrow, I start on Monday and the girls start next Wednesday. Life will once again become more structured with crazy, rushed mornings, but we are excited to see what God has in store for us during this next year!

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